Full Staff Directory, including their email and Line Manager are listed below for your convenience.
If you have queries about independent learning and it is subject specific, please contact the relevant teacher or Head of Department. If you do not receive a response from the relevant contact within 48 hours, please forward your original email query via the info@thegatwickschool.org.uk email inbox so the team can effectively direct your email to the relevant member of staff for resolution.
Please do not attend the school site unless a formal meeting has been booked and confirmed as admittance may be refused to comply with our safeguarding processes.
Primary Staff |
Staff | Role/Subject | Email/Contact | Line Manager |
Bethany Dean | Reception class teacher | bdean@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Amy Cowdry-Bryne |
Emma Brameld | Year 1 class teacher | ebrameld@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Alice Kirby |
Maya Martial | Year 1 class teacher | mmartial@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Amy Cowdry-Bryne |
Sarah Webber | Year 2 class teacher/KS1 Lead | swebber@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Nirali Nagji |
Aayza Sajjid | Year 2 class teacher | asajjad@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Alice Kirby |
Philip Rutter | Year 3 class teacher | prutter@thegatwickschool.org.uk | (Amy Cowdry - Bryne) |
Samiah Khawaja | Year 3 class teacher | skhawaja@thegatwickschool.org.uk | (Amy Cowdry - Bryne) |
Emily Hickmott | Year 4 class teacher | ehickmott@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Alice Kirby |
Sweety Bhundia | Year 4 class teacher | sbhundia@thegatwickschool.org.uk | (Amy Cowdry-Bryne) |
Amy Rogers | Year 5 class teacher | arogers@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Nirali Nagji |
Alice Joslin | Year 5 class teacher | ajoslin@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Amy Cowdry-Bryne |
Stephanie Powell | Year 6 class teacher | spowell@thegatwickschool.org.uk | (Alice Kirby) |
Amy Cowdry-Bryne | Year 6 class teacher/Assistant Headteacher | acowdry-byrne@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Nirali Nagji |
Alice Kirby | Year 6 class teacher/Deputy SENCO | akirby@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Matthew Mohamed |
Owen Mercure | Primary Behaviour Lead (Cover Supervisor - HLTA) | omercure@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Matthew Mohamed |
Becs Pym | Head of PE (Primary) | bpym@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Nirali Nagji |
Lucy Puddephatt | Class Teacher (Currently on Maternity Leave ) | lpuddephatt@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Amy Cowdry-Bryne |
Matthew Mohamed | Assistant Headteacher (SENCO and Primary Behaviour) | mmohamed@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Cassey Gaywood |
Louise Amphlett | Assistant Headteacher (Currently on Maternity Leave ) | lamphlett@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Nirali Nagji |
Nirali Nagji | Head of Primary | nnagji@thegatwickschool.org.uk | David Marillat |
Secondary Staff |
Staff | Role/Subject | Email/Contact | Line Manager |
Gary Thompson-Poole | Assistant Headteacher/Director of Maths | gpoole@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Portia Kamara |
Jake Jennings | Teacher of Maths | jjennings@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Gary Thompson-Poole |
Christeen Kottegoda | Teacher of Maths (unqualified teacher) | kottegoda@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Gary Thompson-Poole |
Anna Boyes | Deputy Headteacher (Culture)/Teacher of Maths | aboyes@thegatwickschool.org.uk | David Marillat |
Portia Kamara | Deputy Headteacher -Secondary (Quality of Education)/Teacher of Maths | pkamara@thegatwickschool.org.uk | David Marillat |
Madiba Saidy | Teacher of Maths | msaidy@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Gary Thompson-Poole |
Victoria Wood | Head of Arts Faculty/Head of English | vwood@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Portia Kamara |
Molly Dickinson | Deputy Head of English | mdickinson@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Victoria Wood |
Katherine Hanson | Teacher of English | khanson@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Victoria Wood |
Scott Randolph | Teacher of English | srandolph@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Victoria Wood |
Benjamin Sarfo | Teacher of Science | bsarfo@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Portia Kamara |
David Darko | Teacher of Science | ddarko@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Portia Kamara |
Pratibha Kaushik | Teacher of Science | pkaushik@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Portia Kamara |
Karen Aherne | Head of Global Change/Head of Geography (Head of Faculty) | kaherne@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Cassey Gaywood |
Stuart Sims | Teacher of Geography/Travel and Tourism | ssims@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Karen Aherne |
Benjamin Crozier | Teacher of Humanities (Teacher of Geography) | bcrozier@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Karen Aherne |
Benjamin Poole | Head of Charitable Impact/Head of History (Head of faculty) | bpoole@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Cassey Gaywood |
Louissa Leal | Teacher of Humanities (Teacher of History) | lleal@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Benjamin Poole |
Hannah Pierson | Teacher of Humanities | hpierson@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Benjamin Poole |
Sahar Aboonajmi | Subject leader Religious Studies | saboonajmi@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Benjamin Poole |
Cassey Gaywood | Deputy Headteacher (Inclusion)/ Teacher of Humanities (Deputy Head Teacher) | cgaywood@thegatwickschool.org.uk | David Marillat |
Rena Karamova | Subject leader Art | rkerimova@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Karen Aherne |
Annabel Simes | Head of Performing Art/Teacher of Music and Dance (Performing Art) | asimes@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Jonny Phelps |
Samuel Judge | Teacher of Drama | sjudge@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Victoria Wood |
Patrick Callaghan | Subject Leader Design Technology | pcallaghan@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Benjamin Poole |
Youssef Rami | Teacher of Computer Science | yrami@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Gary Thompson-Poole |
Netsai Msika | Subject Leader Food Technology | nmsika@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Karen Aherne |
David Walker Smith | Assistant Headteacher/Director of Modern Froiegn Languages | dwalker-smith@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Portia Kamara |
Fiona Sparkes | Teacher of Modern Froeign Languages/ECT Lead | fsparkes@thegatwickschool.org.uk | David Walker Smith |
Otxanda Cabra | Teacher of Modern Froeign Languages | ocabra@thegatwickschool.org.uk | David Walker Smith |
Jonny Phleps | Head of Sport and Performance/Teacher of PE, Business and Health & Social Care (Head Of Faculty) | jphelps@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Anna Boyes |
Robert Grant | Head of House System/Teacher of PE | rgrant@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Olivia Newman |
Orlando Watkis | Teacher of PE | owatkis@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Jonny Phelps |
Olivia Newman | Assistant Headteacher/Teacher of PE & Health and Social Care (Assistant Headteacher -Teaching) | onewman@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Anna Boyes |
Emma Kenyon | Safeguarding Manager/Teacher of PSHE * | ekenyon@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Nirali Nagji |
David Marillat | Headteacher/Teacher of Business Studies | dmarillat@thegatwickschool.org.uk | James Freeston |
Cassandra Yeend | Senior Pastoral Leader (Head of Behaviour- Secondary) | cyeend@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Anna Boyes |
Skye Rhymes | Pastoral Leader | srhymes@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Cassandra Yeend |
Chloe Trumble | Pastoral Leader | ctrumble@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Cassandra Yeend |
Levenia Quarcoo-Price | Pastoral Leader | lquarcooprice@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Cassandra Yeend |
Karen Ellis | Pastoral Leader | kellis@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Cassandra Yeend |
Amy Pillar | Behaviour and Exclusions Manager | apiller@thegatwickschool.org.uk | Cassandra Yeend |