GCSE: 22nd August 2024
Please see our Access Arrangements Policy here.
Further information about public and school examinations is made available here, as applicable.
Click on the links below to see Exam Rules and Regulations for students and parents/carers:
Information for candidates documents - JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications
Exam Room Posters - JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has established a policy instructing schools to notify students about their performance in non-exam assessment (NEA) segments of their GCSE courses. Students are entitled to access copies of their NEA work and have the option to apply for a remark of any NEA parts before the final marks are submitted to the examining body.
GCSE subjects that include NEA elements and are therefore eligible for remark requests include:
We have also put a Year 11 Resources page together to support and guide through this important phase of the curriculum. Login credentials are available from your Year 11 tutor.