Spring Term
The Gatwick School participates in the Local Authority’s In-Year coordinated admissions scheme. If you wish to apply for a place at our school outside the normal point of entry (ie not for Reception class),please contact the Admissions Department of West Sussex County Council on 03330 142903 or make an application via the West Sussex website https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/education-children-and-families/schools-and-colleges/school-places/apply/moving-school/#moving-to-or-within-west-sussex
If you would like further information on the school please contact us directly on 01293 538779 or info@thegatwickschool.org.uk
If you live in West Sussex you need to apply for a place at The Gatwick School through the Admissions Department of West Sussex County Council.
Please use the following link: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/education-children-and-families/schools-and-colleges/school-places
If you live in Surrey you need to apply for a place at The Gatwick School through the Admissions Department of Surrey County Council.Please use the following link: https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/schools/admissions
Please contact the school either by phone 01293 538779 or email info@thegatwickschool.org.uk should you wish to visit, or require more information.